Grocery Shopping – Shop around!

Prices of groceries can variety greatly from store to store and week to week depending on sales. Here are some price comparisons and tips to help you in your search […]

Editor December 2, 2016

Prices of groceries can variety greatly from store to store and week to week depending on sales. Here are some price comparisons and tips to help you in your search for affordable food.

Grocery basket comparison

Grocery item Dollar Store 7-Eleven Save-On Safeway Italian Store Superstore
2% milk, 4 L 5.69 5.49 4.69 3.66 (sale)


4.66 (regular)

3.49/2L 3.43
Dozen eggs, large 3.29 3.49 2.99 3.59 3.70 2.49
Loaf of white bread 2.99 3.99 1.49 (sale)


2.69 (regular)

1.69 1.89 1.38
Peanut butter, 500g 3.79 5.99 3.49 (sale)


4.49 (regular)

2.59 5.79 2.97
Apples, gala 1.49/each 1.50/each 6.29/5 lb bag


0.79/lb (sale)

3.99/3 lb bag



0.99/lb (sale) 0.78/lb
Bananas 0.89/each 2/1.75 0.78/lb 0.79/lb 0.89/lb 0.77/lb

Best places to buy specific groceries

Low-cost produce → H&W Produce and Lucky 97 Superstore

Discount meats → The Grocery People

Affordable spices → Paradiso Tropical, Bulk Barn, Superstore

Wecan Food Basket Society

Order a monthly basket ($5 membership fee)

6 kg produce for $10

2 kg meat for $15

Header Image: It pays to shop at the most affordable stores, although accessing some stores can be challenging if you don’t drive or take transit.| Liz West from Boxborough, MA (dinner-to-be) CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
