City holds open house for 122 Avenue plans
The city’s plans for 122 Avenue construction from 107 Street to Fort Road are drawing closer to completion.
At the April 27 open house at Delton Community Hall, the city’s recommended concept plan was displayed for community members. The reconstruction will “include the complete removal and reconstruction of the roadway, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, bus stops, and streetlights.” Five neighbourhoods between 107 Street and Fort Road access 122 Avenue, which is a collector road.
“The current road is built to standards 30 years ago,” explained Satya Gadidasu, engineer for the city’s integrated infrastructure services. He explained the road needed to have a consistent design and be updated.
Construction will likely start in early 2017 and is expected to take two years. Adjacent communities are Alberta Avenue, Delton, Eastwood, Elmwood Park and Westwood. Although the city will complete the construction in sections by those communities along the length of 122 Avenue, neighbourhood renewal will be completed separately.

City spokesperson Catherine Kloczkowski said the city received input from residents and everyday commuters, “We take a look at the coordinator road as a whole and neighbourhoods individually,” Kloczkowski said. “We’re trying to meet the needs of people now and in the future. It’s important that communities are part of the project and process.”
Community consultation revealed concerns around on-street parking, mature trees, speeding and shortcutting, pedestrian safety, and intersection congestion.
Proposed solutions included narrowing the avenue to prevent speeding and shortcutting, ensuring mature trees remain along 122 Avenue, and improving 97 Street and 82 Street intersections along with improving traffic signals. Boulevard widths will be increased and pedestrian crossings enhanced. On-street parking will remain because 122 Avenue is a collector road. However, there will be time restrictions when parking west of 105 Street.
Community members who attended the open house carefully inspected the plan.
“I think they’re not talking about 124 Avenue. We live off of 124 Avenue, so we’re going to end up with a lot of the traffic,” said Donna Weber.
Crystal Cohen said she liked the increased safety measures proposed. “What I love most is they’re putting in sidewalks on the north side on 122 Avenue from Fort Road heading west,” said Cohen. “My kids always have to walk on people’s lawns.”
“I like the extension of boulevards proposed and the intersection changes (at 122 Avenue, 82 Street, and 97 Street) look lovely. I think it will decrease the number of accidents at corners,” added Cassandra Waters.
Kloczkowski said she thinks impact to the communities during construction should be minimal. “That’s why there’s lots of consultation,” she said.
For more information from the open house, visit
Header Image: Community members view the city’s recommended concept plan. Credit: Talea Medynski