Seize opportunities for wellness this summer
Local residents have opportunities to stay fit and well this spring and summer with local programs.
Urban Poling
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7-8 pm
9210 118 Ave

Starting May 2, Alberta Avenue Community League is offering urban poling (also known as Nordic walking). Participants meet at the league for a one-hour walk around the neighbourhood.
“Nordic walking increases core strength, improves balance, increases heart rate, is good for posture, and strengthens upper arms,” said Margaret Larsen, one of the organizers.
Ten sets of poles are available, but people can use their own poles if preferred. In order to participate, simply have a community league membership.
“We want to encourage people to walk,” said Larsen.
Larsen said the group may occasionally carpool to a park and walk there. Call Margaret at 780.477.2057 with questions and to register.
“We look forward to meeting new people, getting exercise, and walking in the neighbourhood,” said Larsen.
Mondays, 8-9 pm
9210 118 Ave

Prefer a dance-based fitness program? Drop by the Alberta Avenue Community League gym for a free Zumba class. Get aerobic fitness while doing movements inspired by various styles of Latin American dance.
Carolina Astorga, the instructor, said, “I started teaching kids because it was easier than adults. After that, I was ready to teach adults.”
Astorga said she volunteered to teach Zumba at the community league to keep getting experience.
“I get exercise too,” she said. “It’s good for me, good for the community.”
Come dance away an hour to some energetic music and burn up the calories. It’s fun and you can work at your fitness level. In the summer, the class moves outside.
Meditation Yoga
Thursdays, 1:30-2:30 pm
9516 114 Ave

Slow down with Meditation Through Movement at the Norwood Child and Family Resource Centre. The class is a free drop-in program, but limited to adults only.
“The primary focus is for people to calm their mind. It’s for anyone who would like to engage in self-care,” said Shelley Stasiuk, recreation therapist with Alberta Health Services in addiction and mental health.
Pearl Balogun, therapy assistant, said, “It’s a mindfulness technique we use.”
The class is a combination of yoga and meditation and functions as a preventative measure for people who lead stressful lives.
“It’s not formal meditation,” said Stasiuk. Participants focus on slowing down and regulating thoughts. “A lot of people who come have difficulty relaxing. We’ve had a lot of positive feedback.”
Feature Image: Urban Pole walking is great exercise | Pixabay