Local dance: from Renaissance to hip hop
Whether you want to try a new form of dance or practice a form you already love, our neighbourhoods offer a great selection.

The all-girls advanced hip hop dance class at Kore Studios, taught by Carlo Atienza, recently placed first at Artists Emerge and Represent Dance competition. www.koredance.com 12510 82 Street, 780.474.0242.

The Society for Creative Anachronism holds weekly practices at Alberta Avenue Community League (9210 118 Avenue). Renaissance dance is researched and practiced under the tutelage of Cath Jackel. www.borealis.avacal.net

Parkdale-Cromdale Community League (11335 85 Street) has hosted a drop-in tango class every Sunday night for the last 20 years. Taught by Vince and Cindy Davis, it is one of four tango schools in Edmonton. www.parkdalecromdale.org

Raena Waddell teaches Mile Zero Dance’s contemporary dance class. Dance classes offered are for all ages and abilities. www.milezerodance.com, 10816 95 Street, 780.424.1573.

From salsa to ballroom dance to senior’s social and lessons for children, Elite Dance Studio on 95 St and 117 Ave offers a variety of classes. Shaylen Naidoo and Lisa Franco teach salsa on Thursday nights. www.elitedancestudio.net, 780.953.0041.

Marie Habib is an internationally trained and practicing belly dancer and teaches private or group Egyptian dance lessons at Bedouin Beats (11805 94 Street) and in clients’ homes. Email her at mail4marmar@gmail.com.