Getting prepared for the Edmonton election
With Oct. 16 fast approaching, voters will soon cast their ballot for a mayor, a ward councillor, and either an Edmonton Catholic or an Edmonton Public school board trustee.
While many candidates have already declared their intention to run in the municipal election, all of them must do so by Sept. 18. The day after, the city posts the candidates’ names online.
Iain MacLean, director of elections and census for the city, explained municipal services are crucial and play a part in developing the city.
“The election touches you very near and dear in where you live and how you live,” said MacLean. “We want people to participate in the democratic process of the municipal election.”
According to Edmonton Elections, “Voting for a candidate that best represents your views is the single most important action you can take to create a city and school board that stands for your beliefs.”

However, MacLean noted that Edmonton Elections is nonpartisan and doesn’t tell people to vote or who to vote for. “Our office runs the process and helps people in being able to vote.”
The Rat Creek Press neighbourhoods are part of Wards 2 and 7 for councillors, Ward D for Edmonton Public School trustees, and Ward 73 for Edmonton Catholic School trustees. Find information on wards, ward councillors, school trustees, and mayoral candidates by visiting Voters will also receive a Where to Vote card in the mail in early October.
While voters can research a candidate’s platform online, another way to learn is to attend a forum. Moderators oversee the event, where candidates speak and answer questions from voters. The city offers three forums for mayoral candidates and one forum for each ward’s councillor candidates from Sept. 25 to Oct. 11.
“The forums are live streamed and there is a link to them after if people can’t attend,” said MacLean.
Unlike mayoral and councillor candidates, school board candidates don’t have a live forum, but are taped answering different questions.
“After Nomination Day (Sept. 18), we will have a link to the school board’s site,” MacLean said.
Eligible voters must be Canadian citizens, live in Edmonton, live in the ward they’re voting in, be 18 years of age or older, and have lived in Alberta since April. When voting, bring identification with your name and address (see authorized list on
If it’s not possible to vote on Oct. 16, advance voting is available from Oct. 4-13, 1 to 7 pm. Check for advance voting stations or call 780.496.8008. Voters can also request a mail-in ballot if they can’t vote on Oct. 16 or on any advance voting days due to being out of Edmonton, physically incapacitated, or involved as an election worker, candidate, agent, or scrutineer and not at the proper voting station.
Oct. 16
Edmonton Elections
Forums (This may be online only)
Ward 2
Sept. 25, 7-9 pm
Rosslyn Junior High School (13215 113A St)
Ward 7
Oct. 2, 7-9 pm
St. Bernadette Elementary School (11917 40 St)
Mayoral forums
Sept. 26, Noon-1 pm
Shaw Conference Centre (9797 Jasper Ave)
Oct. 3, 7-9 pm
Harry Ainlay Composite High School (4350 111 St)
Oct. 11, 7-9 pm
Italian Cultural Center (14230 133 Ave)
Featured Image: Oct. 16 is Edmonton’s municipal election. | City of Edmonton