Uplift gives people in need a helping hand
Those in need will get a helping hand at Uplift: Day of Mercy on Sept. 22, a charitable event providing services, a shared meal, and donated items.
Catholic Social Services and community partners are hosting the event from 11 am to 3 pm at Eastwood Community League, St Alphonsus Parish, and Eastwood park.
“We have meals. We have haircuts. We have warm clothing distribution. We learned the first year, people need new socks and underwear. Something that can be expensive for people and it is something that is really difficult to get at Goodwill, because these need to be new items,” said Kira Dlusskaya, volunteer engagement assistant with Catholic Social Services.

Last year they distributed about 8,000 pairs of socks and underwear and 1,100 coats and jackets. They are still collecting new or gently used coats, jackets, and new socks and underwear. Any of their office locations can accept donations. This year, their goal is to donate 1,500 coats and jackets and 10,000 pairs of socks and underwear. They will also accept business partnerships.
This event is for anyone struggling to make ends meet, with the philosophy of if you are in need, take what you need.

“Sometimes people took more than one jacket or whatever, but from what we saw it was never more than one jacket in the same size. It was for their family members or someone else in need, and that’s great,” explained Dlusskaya.
Services, such as haircuts, bike repair, personal portraits, and musical entertainment will also be available. The goal is to uplift and support the whole person physically, mentally, and spiritually.
“We try to figure out a good way to celebrate what we are as an agency and what we do. And just inspire the people that are involved with us and do something positive.”

Dlusskaya added, “Throughout the year, we offer a safe place for women leaving abusive relationships, an opportunity for homeless youth to rebuild their lives, and [we] enable people with disabilities to live life to its fullest. We are often the first point of contact for immigrants and refugees at our office on 118th Ave. And we provide counselling that strengthens families and relationships, helps recovering addicts, and supports women facing unplanned pregnancies.”
People of all denominations are invited to attend, volunteer, or donate.
Saturday, Sept. 22, 11 am to 3 pm
11828 85 St and 11803 86 St
To volunteer or donate: email volunteer@cssalberta.ca or call 780.432.1137.
Featured Image: Clothing like coats and jackets will be available for those in need. | Martin Nguyen