Local organization improves the community
Norwood Neighbourhood Association provides funding for a range of projects
Got an idea for a project but need some funding? Norwood Neighbourhood Association (NNA) may be able to help.
In fact, providing funding for projects of neighbourhood residents or organizations is one of the main purposes of the organization, particularly if those projects will benefit the community.
Gérard Forget, chair of NNA, says, “The objective is to preserve and improve Norwood as a low-density, family neighbourhood.”

Norwood Neighbourhood Association has been around since 1973 and has funded a wide range of projects such as Arts on the Ave festivals or activities, community gardens, community kitchen renovations, youth summer camps, and theatre projects.
Forget, adds, “In all, [it is] a project that benefits the community as a whole…some small, some bigger.”
Colyn O’Reilly, the acting secretary of NNA, explains further: “Funding is the very foundation of our association and exhibits the core values of its membership—‘to benefit the community at large’. It says to help your fellow man, and we do.” She adds, “Total available money sets the limits to respond with a partial or full amount.”
O’Reilly said NNA is a small organization. Depending on what funding is available, NNA can provide some or all of the funding. “We are an association that provides funding to small groups who require monies for their projects within our community.”
The NNA is also welcoming new board members.
“We are an elected board of directors and members. We are always recruiting new members who share the common goal of supporting our community,” says O’Reilly. “It’s not a huge commitment. Just to lighten the load. We’re looking for like-minded souls to reduce the effort.”
The association meets three to four times a year, or as needed to review applications.
“There are no deadlines as such [for applications],” says Forget. Interested individuals can simply download the application form from the website at www.norwoodneighbourhoodassociation.ca, complete the application, and email it to norwoodnna@gmail.com. It does take some time for board members to assess applications, so give it about three months before expecting to hear a response.
O’Reilly urges local residents and organizations to contact NNA about funding.
“Everyone can put in their application and we’ll see how we can be of assistance. Talk to us—you just never know.”
Featured Image: Norwood Neighbourhood Association has funded projects like Spark! Youth Camp. | Mat Simpson Photography