Seeking ideas for McCauley development
Non-profit organization is consulting local residents for Paskin Site
As part of the city’s commitment to end poverty in Edmonton, it has provided a series of lots along 95 Street near 106 Avenue (the Paskin Site) to the Edmonton Community Development Company (CDC), a non-profit organization.

The Edmonton CDC seeks development ideas from community members before building. While we heard that McCauley has “been consulted to death”, we want to stay true to our principle of community engagement and deliver results aligned with community needs and priorities.
With that principle in mind, we recruited a few residents and business people in McCauley to join the McCauley concept development team. Over the next couple of months, the team will create three to four sketches that the Edmonton CDC will present to local residents and business people for their feedback. Based on what the team learns through this process, a final concept will be created and shared with the community in June or July 2019 to gauge support for the design. Pros and cons of each sketch will be included.

Presuming the concept is finalized in July, the next steps may include a rezoning application, development permit, and building permit applications. Concurrently, the Edmonton CDC will be seeking financing for the development. We will keep you posted as the creative minds of the McCauley concept development team generate ideas about what to build on these empty lots.
Stay informed by visiting our website at
Karen is the Director of Neighbourhood Development for the Edmonton Community Development Company and can be emailed at
Featured Image: Pictured is one of the lots that the Edmonton CDC, the McCauley concept development team, and local residents will be consulting about for development ideas. | Talea Medynski