Education can change lives
Education can change the lives of young people in many tangible ways. Public education gives students the skills they need for life after high school. It teaches children about citizenship and their role in the world, and prepares them for a life of fulfillment. But often it’s what’s intangible, or not easily seen, that’s at the root of why something matters. For public education, that unseen but critically important gift that education gives us is hope.
Education allows us the hope to believe that things will get better. Embedded in education is the hope that we can figure out a challenge, that we can be successful, that we can learn, and that we can adapt and achieve. Perhaps most strong of all is the hope every parent feels that we can give our children a better future, and the seeds of that hope are also sown in the classroom. All of these hopes are realized by a strong public education system.
Hope was on the mind of the Board of Trustees leading up to the recent provincial election. While there were certainly many things to be critical of, including cuts to education and a lack of new school announcements, we chose instead to focus on the positives and on possibilities. To do this, we launched an advocacy campaign inviting parents, school councils, and education partners to join us in imagining what’s possible.
For example, imagine what’s possible when there’s adequate funding for public education. Imagine the possibilities when mental health supports are provided in all of our schools. Imagine what could happen if school construction keeps pace with growing enrolment. We encouraged parents and families and all those who care about public education to ask candidates seeking elected office questions related to funding, mental health, and the need for immediate investment in new schools and modernizations.
I appreciate the passion that so many people have for public education. Now that a new government has been elected, the Board of Trustees will be working hard to ensure that an investment in public education is a top priority.

This time of year is also the season of celebrating high school graduations from Edmonton Public Schools, as well as other milestones. If you’re attending a graduation ceremony for any student, please take a moment to remember the hope that exists in the young people you’re supporting. They have hopes and dreams for their futures, and that’s an amazing and inspiring gift that years of public education have given them. Research has shown that hope is actually a learnable and measurable skill, one that has a significant impact on students’ success in schools. Young people who embrace hope have higher self-esteem and are more likely to set and achieve their goals.
It’s also a great time of year to say thanks to teachers, educational assistants, principals, custodians, and all school staff for their passion in supporting you and your children. All those amazing staff also create hope for our kids.
The Board’s hope for the future of public education is what drives us in our service to parents, families, students, and communities. We believe that hope is worth celebrating.
Trisha is the school board Trustee for Ward D and is currently serving at the chair of EPSB. You can reach her at