Neighbouring for Climate Pilot this summer
Are you ready? Climate change is driving more extreme weather events. Do you know how to protect yourself during an extreme heat wave? Or how you might cope if the power is out for several days after a severe storm?
According to the City, seventy-five percent of Edmonton’s population has identified that actions about climate need to be addressed, not just studied. In response, the City of Edmonton has released its Neighbouring for Climate toolkit. Interested neighbourhood connectors attended a virtual meeting in mid-June to review the package and commit to a pilot program over the summer.
Action suggestions inside the kit that neighbours can implement together are Emergency Preparedness, Biodiversity and Ecology, Food Security, Energy and Fuel Savings, and Waste & Water. If getting to know your neighbours is challenging, the starter kit guide also provides some ideas.

A small Delton Community League group will participate in the pilot program. Delton Community League President Janet Henderson sees the pilot as a way “to connect or reconnect with neighbours after a couple of rough years. Even if we can commit to doing a few blocks of door-knocking, we are meeting people and letting them know there is a community league where they can bring their ideas or concerns.” As Henderson hears more from the community, the league initiates responsive programming.
For example, the league has joined the Edmonton Tool Lending Library (featured in the RCP in May 2018). Henderson says, “Any league member can access those tools at no cost; it’s a benefit of being part of the league. We know that some families are struggling, and we got involved in the City pop-up gardens this year.” A community league can support their neighbourhoods and respond to the members’ needs. If Delton residents are interested in taking climate action or want to be more connected to their neighbours, Henderson says, “We would be happy to hear from you.” Email
The Neighbouring for Climate program is action-oriented. It offers a way to work together to increase climate resiliency in your neighbourhood. Resilient neighbourhoods see social, financial, environmental and health benefits. Each of the action cards is rated for the effort required. One example is checking on neighbours during extreme heat events and identifying locations that could be cooling stations. After the scorching start to the summer this year, it’s good to have practical ideas and to know neighbours who can assist if necessary. More info: