Be prepared this winter: Build an emergency kit

Weather-related emergencies can happen anytime, anywhere. Have a plan and some basic items to stay safe

Gail Silvius November 8, 2023

Winter weather shows up when you least expect it in Edmonton! High winds and blizzards can affect power lines and cause outages. A broken tree can bring down electrical wires. Take a few minutes to think about what a day might look like in your home if you had no electricity or heat. What would you do for light, heat, or food? It’s a good idea to have a plan that covers you for 72 hours (three days and nights).

A recent Alberta survey shows that 45 per cent of respondents feel unprepared for an emergency. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to be prepared. Talk with your neighbours to get ideas, especially if they like camping! All of us have different experiences to share. If the elevator doesn’t work, some people may be isolated in their suites. Is there someone who might check on them? Is there a person in your building who knows first aid if needed? This can be a good way to start some conversations and get to know the folks who live on your floor.

Start building your basic emergency kit with these items: 

  • Water: Four liters of drinking water per person per day.
  • Light: Working flashlight and batteries (Yes, your phone has a flashlight. But if your phone dies, what then?)
  • Food:  Make sure you have some ready-to-eat, high-energy foods. If you can’t cook, what might you keep on hand for your family to eat?
  • Manual can opener
  • Candles/matches
  • First aid kit and emergency numbers.
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Radio: It can be a wind-up or battery-operated radio.   
  • Extra blankets and warm clothing.
  • A small amount of cash in smaller bills.
  • A small solar charger: It’s not essential, but helpful if you, like many of us, depend on your phone. 

My neighbour gave me more suggestions: Huddle in the smallest room to save heat. Wear layers. Keep a jug of water in the fridge.  

With a little planning, you and your family can be ready for an emergency. 

Learn more about emergency preparedness online: 

City of Edmonton:

Government of Alberta:
