Great response to Rat Creek Press call to action

Chair, Rat Creek Press

Constance Brissenden October 21, 2023

The door to Alberta Avenue Community League opened and people poured in. By the time the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Rat Creek Press started, the hall was packed on Wednesday, Oct. 11.

“It was a great response,” says publisher Karen Mykietka. “We will work on a print issue for December/January.”

The evening started with a workshop by former chair Mariam Masud on the purpose, format, and goals of the monthly newspaper. Speakers added their support for the mix of articles published.

As one of a dwindling number of community newspapers, the role of the Rat Creek Press to the eight neighborhoods that are represented in it is rare and unique. Readers appreciate the positive articles that are not often seen elsewhere: Articles on local festivals, wellness, the environment, Indigenous news, and senior group activities are among the many stories featured.

A discussion ensued about the immediacy of news and what can be handled on our website, One example of a swift website response was related to the former Veterans Appliance site that was slated to become a liquor store. Its proximity to a park was reported in the Rat Creek Press, resulting in feedback to the City of Edmonton zoning department. Thanks to the reports, as well as community and individual involvement, the proposed liquor store was rejected. 

The AGM showed an extremely positive response from attendees. For the first time since its launch over 20 years ago, the newspaper now has a full board of nine members. In addition to the existing board of directors (chair, co-chair, treasurer, secretary) five members at large were elected. The new members at large bring varied professions, backgrounds, and interests that will be reflected in future issues.

Look for the December/January issue of the Rat Creek Press in your mailbox. In the meantime, keep visiting our website for new articles and upcoming events.

Writers, photographers, illustrators, website coordinators, and editors are warmly invited to email with story ideas and offers. We appreciate your patience in receiving a response. Our publisher, Karen Mykietka, has many responsibilities with the newspaper and it can take a bit for her to get back to you, but we appreciate and welcome your interest.
